Tentacular Berry Juicer
On-chain Juice Squeeze Game
Put your farmed berries ($BY) to work in the Berry Juicer with Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly reward prize pools.
The Berry Juicer will be in operation for exactly 1 year after the first Daily Juice Squeeze.
How to Play
Navigate to the Tentacular Dashboard, where your Tentacular are farming (staked), to enter the daily juice squeeze.
Juice Squeeze Ticket Cost = 5 $BY
- All daily Juice Squeeze tickets are automatically entered in the corresponding weekly, monthly, and yearly Juice Squeeze.
- The order or time at which tickets are bought in the daily period does not affect the order of the drawn winner.
- There is no limit on the maximum number of tickets which can be entered in the Daily Juice Squeeze by any given participant.
- There is no limit on the maximum number of times any given participant’s entered tickets can win the Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly Juice Squeeze.
Ticket Earnings Distribution
Daily Juice Squeeze Total Earnings Distribution per Ticket:
Daily Juice Squeeze Prize Pool: 2.5 $BY
Weekly Juice Squeeze Prize Pool: 0.8 $BY
Monthly Juice Squeeze Prize Pool: 0.5 $BY
Yearly Juice Squeeze Prize Pool: 1 $BY
Daily Prize Pool Rewards
1st Winner (1st squeeze): 30% of daily prize pool
2nd Winner (2nd squeeze): 15% of daily prize pool
3rd Winner (3rd squeeze): 7% of daily prize pool
Consolation Prize: 38% distributed between all Tentacular invoked into a family bond
Supply Management: 10% of Daily Prize Pool burned
Weekly Prize Pool Rewards
1st Winner (1st roll): 20% of weekly prize pool
2nd Winner (2nd roll): 10% of weekly prize pool
3rd Winner (3rd roll): 5% of weekly prize pool
Consolation Prize: 55% distributed between all farming Tentacular (staked)
Supply Management: 10% of Weekly Prize Pool burned
Monthly Prize Pool Rewards
1st Winner (1st roll): 10% of monthly prize pool
2nd Winner (2nd roll): 5% of monthly prize pool
3rd Winner (3rd roll): 2% of monthly prize pool
Consolation Prize: 63% distributed between all farming Tentacular (staked)
Supply Management: 20% of Monthly Prize Pool burned
Yearly Prize Pool Rewards
1st Winner (1st roll): 5% of yearly prize pool
2nd Winner (2nd roll): 3% of yearly prize pool
3rd Winner (3rd roll): 1% of yearly prize pool
Consolation Prize: 61% distributed between all farming Tentacular (staked)
Supply Management: 30% of Yearly Prize Pool burned