Berry Farming

The Tentacular Ecosystem

Tentacular NFT
4 min readMay 3, 2022

Planet Berrylius

The Tentacular are far away from their planet of Berrylius. They were nothing but loyal and humble servants of their land. One day, they discovered something lurking amongst their world. Deep inside of the cave villages where the Tentacular dwell lies a mysterious force, pushing the Tentacular out of their own homes and away from their lush source of berries. Who or what is this unknown entity? Why are they after the Tentacular? This we do not know. Their planet cannot be salvaged. The Tentacular had no other choice but to escape and venture out for a new home.

The Tentacular have soon found a new safe haven for their migration thanks to you. In this new environment you are fostering, you will aid the Tentacular on their new journey to achieve independence.

Genesis Tentacular

Each Tentacular yields a minimum of 5 $BY and can be upgraded in the Tentacular Dashboard.

You must have minimum 1 Tentacular to invoke a Family Bond and begin Farming to yield $BY.

Once you have invoked your Tentacular into a Family Bond, they are actively farming, yielding daily $BY rewards. This is essentially the same as “staking” your Tentacular.

Tell me more about this Family Bond?

Family Bonding (Technical term: bounding) essentially encompasses the benefits of staking, without actually sending your token (NFT) to the staking smart contract. This allows you to keep your Tentacular in your wallet by bounding the token, where traditionally your token (NFT) would no longer show in your wallet after staking.

When a Tentacular is invoked into a Family Bond and is farming, it cannot be transferred, therefore some of the common hacks we have been seeing can be prevented.


  • Farm (Stake) — yield $BY per day of farming
  • Upgrade — use (burn) $BY to level up your Tentacular and increase your berry farming yield. The upgrade will reflect in the metadata
  • Juice Squeeze — use $BY to purchase tickets and participate in the Daily Juice Squeeze (Full Berry Juicer Details)
  • Unbond (Unstake) — stop farming $BY and lose all subsequent future Juice Squeeze entries

Note: After upgrading, the metadata on Opensea will need to be refreshed in order to view the new yield.

Genesis Tentacular Total Supply — 5,556

Cave Land

After the Berry Juicer goes on for some time, all holders of 2 or more Tentacular, regardless of rank, will get airdropped 1 Cave Land token per 2 Tentacular they have farming (staked). Any remaining Cave Land will be burned.

There are 3 different rarity ranks of Cave Land, each corresponding directly to $BY yield when bonded alongside Tentacular.


  • Bond (Stake) — upgrade your $BY yield per day of farming
  • Unbond (Unstake) — lose your upgrade and yield less $BY per day of farming

Cave Land Total Supply — 2,778

You will not yield $BY if you do not have at least 1 Tentacular farming (staked).

Berry Tokenomics

$BY or berry is the gaming token and only acceptable medium of exchange within the Tentacular ecosystem. It is NOT an investment and has NO economic value. It is a ERC-20 token used as an incentive within the Tentacular ecosystem to manage behavior and reward positive actions.

Tentacular Economy

Supply Cap: $BY can only be generated for 1 year. The total supply of $BY will naturally be determined by Tentacular holders through their yield and through scheduled burns from the Berry Juicer.

Supply Decrease Mechanism: $BY can be burned to upgrade the yield generation of your Tentacular. Additionally, a percentage of every Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Juice Squeeze prize pool from the Berry Juicer is burned. To see the burning percentage of each prize pool, view the Berry Juicer Mechanics here.

Harvest Tariff: A future feature of the ecosystem, a 10% tariff will be executed on all withdrawals out of the ecosystem. 8% will go to the unknown enemies which will be minted at a later date, and the remaining 2% will be burned.

Incentive: As you level up your Tentacular, it gets harder and harder to yield more $BY. As more holders use the Berry Juicer, the rewards increase.

Deflationary Pressures: A percentage of all Berry Juicer reward pools are burned resulting in a lower overall supply of $BY in circulation.

Destruction: In order to maximize the rewards from your Tentacular, you must remain farming. Any unbonded (unstaked) Tentacular will result in forfeiting subsequent Berry Juicer entries.

Supply Ownership: The majority of the $BY token will be earned by holders of Tentacular which are farming and using the ecosystem throughout the course of the year.

Supply Control: There is the option to increase the $BY supply cap by re-enabling $BY farming yield for consecutive years if the community were so to choose.

Opportunity to Spend: Upgrade your Tentacular, play the Berry Juicer game, engage in the community, and sit tight for metaverse integrations and Endangermint. The Tentacular have only briefly begun their migration to the blockchain.

Enemy: Shhh… coming soon.

The mechanics of our ecosystem are frequently changing and this page will be updated from time to time.



Tentacular NFT

From the cave villages of Planet Berrylius, to the algorithmically generated spans of the metaverse, the Tentacular have begun their migration to the blockchain